
Search Engine

How Normal People Use Search Engines

I'm hungry... Pizza sounds good!

Most people might think to themselves, “I’m hungry.” And then they’ll think, “Pizza sounds good!” Once they decided on pizza for dinner, they’ll pull out their cell phone and search for “pizza places near me”. They’ll take a look at the results, pick a pizza shop, and then order a pizza.

This is important because that pizza shop just made a sale because they showed up at the top of the search results, and they didn’t have to pay money to show up there.

3.5 Billion

searches on Google each day


of all website traffic comes from organic search


of purchasers are influenced by a relevant search


more traffic driven from SEO than organic social media

Grow Your Business with SEO

What’s the purpose of having your website if your customers can’t find it?

Sure, you can spend hours publishing posts on social media and pour money into paid advertisements, but the one downside of these methods are that the websites visitors stop the second you stop keeping up with them. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) requires some up front work, but continues to bring in leads even if you have to step away from marketing for a bit.

When you work with me, I’ll determine what people are searching for related to your business products or services and work to ensure your website shows up at the top of those search results.

See My SEO Work

Google search results for "Tokyo itinerary 7 days"
7 Day Tokyo Itinerary

My travel website was chosen to be the featured snippet at the top of the search results.

Google search results for "4 Day Nashville Itinerary"
4 Day Nashville Itinerary

While there's no Featured Snippet for this search, my website still shows up at the top of the results.

SEO Pricing and Packages

Website Optimizations ($500 - $1,000)

In order for your website to show up in search results, search engines need to understand what your website is about. I’ll go through and make technical optimizations to help ensure Google can understand your website and increase the likelyhood that Google will include your website at the top of search results.

NOTE: Price will depend on the number of pages on the website.

Off Page SEO ($500 - $1,000)

Google takes over 200 factors into consideration when deciding what websites show up at the top of search results — such as the number of links to your website, consistency of business information across the web.

NOTE: Price depends on the number of locations and competitiveness of the industry.